
PPA documents released by Phosphate Forum of the Americas

PPA documents released by Phosphate Forum of the AmericasIn each of the past seven years, polyphosphoric acid has been used in approximately seven percent of the pavement being placed in the United States. Polyphosphoric acid (PPA) has been used successfully in the asphalt field for more than 35 years either as a solo asphalt binder modifier or in combination with synthetic polymers.

Two important documents on the use of PPA in asphalt paving were recently introduced by the Polyphosphoric Acid Subcommittee of the Phosphate Forum of the Americas. These documents, “Best Practices for PPA Modification of Asphalt,” and “Use of Polyphosphoric Acid in Asphalt Binders,” are available at after you sign up.

The Polyphosphoric Acid Subcommittee is a subcommittee of the Phosphate Forum of the Americas (PFA. PFA provides a forum for information exchange on scientific and technical matters related to inorganic phosphates. Members of the PPA Subcommittee are ICL Performance Products LP and Innophos Inc.

PFA website

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