Lab Corner: A moment of madness – Spring 2015



It seems that spring is just around the corner and a young man’s thoughts turn to…well, I don’t really know what they turn to seeing that I am no longer a young man. My thoughts usually turn to basketball tournaments. Taking a page, almost literally, from “The Final Four of Everything,” I told my wife that I thought it would be cool to do a tournament bracket based on asphalt technology. Quoting from a favorite sitcom, she said it was cute when I used words like “cool” wrong.

Nevertheless, what follows is my attempt to look at great ideas in asphalt technology and attempt to predict a winner in a single-elimination tournament. Just like any tournament bracket some of you will think “why did A make it in the bracket when B didn’t?” or “how could he think C would beat out D?” But then again, that’s the fun of it. And yes I implied “fun” in a piece about asphalt.

Look at the left side of the bracket. Look at the right side of the bracket.

Or, check out our digital edition version.

For more information on AI’s laboratory services please contact Mike Anderson ( or visit the AI website ( It’s superscintillating- sensational, baby!

“The Final Four of Everything” Ed. Mark Reiter and Richard Sandomir. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2009. Print.

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