
BP’s TruckSafe: Driving toward a safer tomorrow

BP Asphalt recently announced the creation of its new truck safety program, TruckSafe. The purpose of TruckSafe is to reduce the risk of injuries related to the handling and transporting of hot liquid asphalt by truck. TruckSafe allows BP to share its best practices for safe loading, unloading and transportation of hot liquid with the entire asphalt industry.

“At BP, we take safety seriously,” says Scott Williams, HSE Coordinator at BP Asphalt. “It’s our top priority. We created TruckSafe because we recognized a need among our customers and the industry for more information on the handling and transporting of hot liquid asphalt by truck. TruckSafe helps meet the need for high safety standards and illustrates current BP best practices on how to haul, load and unload liquid asphalt in a safe manner.”

The program kit contains a 20-minute information DVD, quick reference guide, wall chart and a static cling sticker depicting the proper way to enter and exit a truck.

TruckSafe is for our own personnel, for our customers, for the transporters—big and small,” says Williams. “There are a lot of small trucking companies out there with five or six trucks that need this program as well as the operations with 150 trucks. We want to be sure that everyone gets this information. For example, truckers need to be reminded that they can collapse a trailer if they don’t vent it.

RailSafe and TruckSafe are BP Asphalt’s safety programs to reduce incidents related to the loading and unloading of liquid asphalt. “After we send out the kits, we follow up to let them know that we are available to make group presentations,” adds Williams.

“The presentations are not only valuable for our employees and customers but also for me. I listen to feedback and ideas at the presentations and glean new information and new ideas from the group,” says Williams.

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